You could listen to tango music as a mix of Quick, Quick, Slow rhythmic patterns, and slow walking steps . . . with the occasional pause. You could dance to tango music using slow walking steps – in any direction – and QQS step patterns, according to what you hear in the music. With just a little practice, you could improvise this kind of dance, in sync with the music, and be dancing with excellent musicality.
Here are 18 step patterns which match QQS rhythmic patterns; learn a few and mix them into your tango where they fit the feel of the music:
A. Step forward on L – until your weight is 50/50; rock back onto R; close L to R.
B. Walking forward, take 2 quick steps and continue walking. Smoothly.
C. Step forward on L; step R to the R side; close L to R (slow sensuous close?)
D. Rock back on L; forward onto R where it was; close L to R.
E. Step forward on L; step again on L, further forward; step on L again, further yet.
F. Walk forward on L; then backward R; and continue with slow walk backward.
G. Step forward on L; rock back onto R, rotating CW; close L to R.
H. Small step forward on L; rotate 180º onto R with heels close; close L to R.
I. Rock forward onto L rotating CCW 45º; back onto R landing at 90º; close L to R.
J. Side step to R; close L to R; change weight and repeat.
K. Step L to L; forward onto R outside partner on her R; forward on L outside
L. Rock forward on L; rock back on R; rock forward to the same place on L.
M. Forward on L; rotate CW 180º; walk out on L.
N. Forward on L; rotate CCW while rocking back on R; finish turn to walk out on L.
O. End backward walk with rock back on R; rock forward on L; walk out on R.
P. Step L to L; close R to L; change weight and step forward on L.
Q. Turn R 90º CW and step on it (heels together); rock back onto L (still in place); close R to L.
R. Sidestep L to L; close R to L and change weight onto R; repeat (opposite of “J”).